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For individual self-care and it makes business sense too!

It’s August, and if you haven't taken a break already, it is the holiday season when many people take their planned breaks from the everyday work environment. It's a beautiful time of year to connect with nature and spend time with loved ones and people close to us with days full of laughter, relaxing and recharging.

How do we unplug from work when the to-do lists are brimming, or it's challenging to step away from the business as you are the go-to person and company leader? Are you frantically working all the hours so you can step away totally exhausted, then sleeping for a week is the main menu of activities of your summer break?

Self-care and staff well-being is increasingly becoming embedded in creating a more inclusive and positive work culture. Therefore, creating a place that is more supportive of individual needs, values everyone's voice and ideally encourages staff teams to take time off to re-charge energy and disconnect in this frantic, high-performing, digital age aids in retaining talent and performance.

Taking time out of every day, planning downtime away from technology, and connecting with nature helps with our internal equilibrium, re-balancing the body, and helps give us clarity and focus on what is essential for our journey, along with the companies we work for and our businesses.

Building in downtime leads to increased productivity and higher performance outcomes. A refreshed, re-connected leader and workforce are more innovative, better listeners, kinder to each other, supportive and more ambitious with ideas and taking risks.

RealTalk.Therapist & Social Media content maker Tasha Bailey informs us, “it is a good idea to slow down over the summer. Slowing down is a good thing.”

Forbes Women contributor Jodie Goldstein comments after 20 years working with companies, “it can be difficult to unplug from work, delegate responsibilities and tell colleagues and customers that you will be unreachable. Especially if potential opportunities or new investors/ partnerships suddenly become available.”

McKinsey & Co. reported that “toxic culture and potential to burn out is the biggest driver to wanting to leave a company”. Therefore creating a good company culture is vital.

Summer may be your busiest business time, and external commitments such as family time and holidaying with friends are often sacrificed to ensure the business can perform to its highest potential. As a solopreneur, you are often hesitant to stop due to the uncertainty of what Autumn will bring.

On holiday breaks, Jodie Goldstein advises planning check-in times with the team or scanning emails once a day to help feel on top of any severe challenges. Putting trust in your team empowers people to step up in new ways of responsibility and that there is belief in their ability to perform. Offering light touch catch-ups makes you and the team will feel connected and supported.

Downtime for busy professionals requires planning. Filling your holiday with activities is not the idea; using your time is. Planning your day helps reduce spending the day answering emails or worrying about business. For example, creating a reading list that feeds your mind and travelling to new places can inspire new ideas.

August is an ideal time to evaluate and reflect. What has worked since returning from the pandemic? What can be celebrated, and asking are adjustments required? What does success now look like to you?

Give yourself permission to take time out to be fully present and recharge, spend time with the ones you love and build in days experiencing the wonders life has to offer.

See you on the other side. Refreshed and aligned with new vigour.

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